Training in Tenderness

Buddhist Teachings on Tsewa, the Radical Openness of Heart That Can Change the World

By Dzigar Kongtrul
Foreword by Pema Chodron

- Paperback
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Shambhala Publications
Pages: 120
Size: 5 x 7.25
ISBN: 9781611805581
This is a call to a revolution of heart. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is taught that one of the most essential qualities of enlightenment is tsewa, a form of warm energy and openness of heart. It is the warmth we express and receive through empathy with others, especially those closest to us. In this compact book, Dzigar Kongtrul opens the door to this life-changing energy and shows us how to transform our attitude toward ourselves and those around us through its practice. This is a guide to the building blocks of compassion and the purest and deepest form of happiness. And with these tools, we can awaken the most powerful force for healing our fractured world—a tender, open heart.