The Way of a Pilgrim
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Shambhala Publications
Pages: 152
Size: 4.25 x 6.75
ISBN: 9781611807011
This classic work of spiritual literature is the firsthand account of a pilgrim's journey as he endeavors to live out Saint Paul’s instruction to “pray without ceasing.” The narrator, an unnamed nineteenth-century peasant, sets out on his pilgrimage with nothing but a Bible, rosary, and some dried bread. As he walks, he recites the Jesus prayer (“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me”)—a prayer that is said to quiet anxiety and fill the heart with love for all creation. With this prayer constantly on his lips, the pilgrim undergoes a profound spiritual education. These pages offer practical advice for every spiritual practitioner, translated in a way that is relevant, fresh, and inspiring.
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Author Bio
Olga Savin is a graduate of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York.
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