Fundamental Mind
By Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche
Edited by Jeffrey Hopkins
Translated by Jeffrey Hopkins
By Jamgon Mipham
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Snow Lion05/12/2006Pages: 175Size: 5 x 7ISBN: 9781559392501DetailsKhetsun Sangpo Rinpoche provides an illuminating, expansive, and practical commentary on Mi-pam-gya-tso's incisive work on the Great Completeness view of ultimate reality called "The Meaning of Fundamental Mind Clear Light." Fundamental Mind begins with a biography of Mi-pam-gya-tso, after which Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche explains the aim of the book: the differentiation of mistaken mind and fundamental mind. The main theme is primordial enlightenment in the basal clear light, self-arisen pristine wisdom. The emphasis is on being introduced to and identifying fundamental mind in naked experience through a lama's quintessential instructions.RelatedCheck items to add to the cart or- A Chariot to FreedomBy Shechen Gyaltsap IV and Shechen Gyaltsap Gyurme Pema Namgyal
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"The combination of topic, well-known authors, and accessible presentation of the material should make this an important book for practitioners. In Khetsun Sangpo, we meet Tibet's finest traditions of contemplative education, literary expression, and gentle courage. In Jeffrey Hopkins, we encounter an intrepid explorer and virtually peerless expositor of Tibetan Buddhist inquiry into the practical and profound. It is wonderful to read this record of their mutual interests and startling discoveries drawn from a collaboration that stretches over more than three decades." —Jules B. Levinson, PhD, Light of Berotsana Translation Group
"This collaboration is a valuable introduction to the concept of fundamental mind." —Tricycle