To Buy or Not to Buy

Why We Overshop and How to Stop

By April Lane Benson, PhD

ISBN: 9780834821057

Are you a shopaholic?
Do you use shopping as a quick fix for the blues?
Do you often buy things that you don’t need or can’t afford?
Do your buying binges leave you feeling anxious or guilty?
Is your shopping behavior hurting your relationships?
Have you tried to stop but been unable to?

If so, you are not alone. Nearly 18 million Americans are problem shoppers, unable to break the buying habits that lead them into debt, damaged relationships, and depression. If this describes you, or someone you care about, the help you need is here.

Drawing on recent research and on decades of working with overshoppers, Dr. April Benson brings together key insights with practical strategies in a powerful program to help you stop overshopping. As you progress through this book, you’ll take back control of your shopping and spending and create a richer, more meaningful and satisfying life.